The 58th Annual Meeting of JAGG
The 58th Annual Meeting of JAGG has been finished. The 59th Annual Meeting of JAGG will be held in January 2026. The details of the meeting will be announced later.
The 58th Annual Meeting of JAGG
Program of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology Please download the file.
The 58th Annual Meeting of JAGG
The 58th Annual Meeting of JAGG will be held on 24-25, January 2025,at Nihon University. The president of the Meeting is Dr. Akira Hosono, Nihon University.The abstract submission will be closed on 25th (Fri) October, 2024.
The 57th Annual Meeting of JAGG
The 57th Annual Meeting of JAGG has been finished. The 58th Annual Meeting of JAGG will be held in January 2025. The details of the meeting will be announced later.
The 57th Annual Meeting of JAGG
Program of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology Please download the file.
The 57th Annual Meeting of JAGG
The 57th Annual Meeting of JAGG will be held on 19-20, January 2024, at Hoku Topia, Ohji, Kita-ku,Tokyo. The president of the Meeting is Dr. Motomichi Takahashi, Miyarisan Pharmaceutical CO., LTD. The deadline for abstract submission will be 27th (Fri) October, 2023.
The 56th Annual Meeting of JAGG
Program of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology Please download the file.
The 55th Annual Meeting of JAGG
The 55th Annual Meeting of JAGG has been finished. The 56th Annual Meeting of JAGG will be held in January 2023. The details of the meeting will be announced later.