Address from the Chairman

Chairman Shigeru Kamiya
Chairman Shigeru Kamiya
Professor Emeritus,
Kyorin University School of Medicine

Animals and plants in nature have symbiosis with microorganisms including bacteria and viruses. By excluding such symbiotic microbes, germfree animals/plants are generated. When germfree animals/plants are associated with the known microorganisms, such animals/plants are called as gnotobiote. Gnotobiology is defined as the academic framework by using gnotobiotic animals/plants. The targets for gnotobiology are broad and gnotobiology has been studied in many scientific fields such as medicine, physics, agricultural science, pharmaceutics, dentistry, nutritional science and veterinary medicine.
In 1968, Japanese Association of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology(JAGG)was established to promote and disseminate the germfree life research and gnotobiology, and the first Chairman of JAGG was Professor Masazumi Miyagawa, Nagoya University. As described above, in the scientific area of gnotobiology, academic analyses in the fields of basic medicine, clinical medicine, nutritional science, pharmaceutics, agricultural science and veterinary medicine are performed by using gnotobiotes. Therefore, gnotobiology is characterized by interdisciplinary science. JAGG organizes annual meeting once a year and many scientists with different specialized area participate in the meeting to present and exchange updated results and information concerning gnotobiotic sciences. In addition, JAGG publishes official journal titled as Journal of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology with one volume and two issues annally. Backgrounds of JAGG members include many specialized areas, and their research outcomes are contributed to the progress of microbiology, pathology, hematology, infectious disease medicine, oral hygiene science, veterinary microbiology, agricultural chemistry, molecular biology.
In 1981, International Association for Gnotobiology (IAG) was established by
Association for Gnotobiotics (AG), European Gnotobiotics Association (EGA)
and JAGG. IAG organizes International Symposium on Gnotobiology (ISG) every 3 years in various countries.
Recently, scientific concerns are increased in the researches of indigenous microbiota which colonize the host with symbiosis. As scientific field of gnotobiology has become wide-ranging, the scientific activity by utilizing gnotobiotes is expected to be remarkably advanced in the near future. Research data by JAGG members have been used and contributed in the relating scientific fields, and many collaborations of JAGG members with many scientists in different fields are expected to be performed. As the Chairman of JAGG, I will make an effort to advance the gnotobiotic researches in Japan, and I look forward to joining of many scientists to JAGG.

May 2022


The objectives of the Association shall be to promote and disseminate the germfree life research and gnotobiology, and accordingly, to contribute to the development of sciences and social welfare.


To accomplish the above-mentioned objectives, the Association shall pursue the following activities:

  1. to hold scientific meetings
  2. to publish the association's journal (Journal of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology, abbreviated to J. germfree life gnotobiol. , ISSN 0910-0903, the digitization of the J. germfree life gnotobiol. , ISSN 2436-7362)
  3. to promote the achievement of the research and education in the field of germfree life research and gnotobiology
  4. to participate in the International Association for Gnotobiology, and to foster harmonious relationships with the relevant academic (domestic and international) societies
  5. others


The Japanese Association of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology(JAGG)was established in January,1968, to promote and disseminate the germfree life research and gnotobiology, and accordingly, to contribute to the development of sciences and social welfare.
The first Chairman was Professor Masumi Miyakawa(Nagoya University).
In January 1993, he was succeeded by Professor Shogo Sasaki(Tokai University).
The current Chairman is Professor Shigeru Kamiya(Kyorin University)from 2008.

One of the activities of the JAGG is its participation in the International Association for Gnotobiology(IAG). The International Symposium on Gnotobiology(ISG)have been held every three years, Six Japanese scientists have been the honor of serving as president of 1967 (M. Miyagakawa; Nagoya),1981(S. Sasaki; Hakone),1996(K. Hashimoto; Hawai), 2005(S. Kamiya; Tokyo), 2011(S. Kato; Yokohama)and 2017(T. Ichinohe; Tokyo).

The first annual meeting of JAGG was held in 1968 and has been held once a year. The "Journal of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology” was published as official journal of JAGG in 1971 firstly, with one volume and two issues published annually.
At the annual meeting, the "Presidential Award for Research Encouragement" was established in 2007 and continued until 2015, and the "Shogo Sasaki Award" was established in 2016 as an Association Award.


Bylaws of the Japanese Association of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology

Article Ⅰ
This association shall be named the Japanese Association of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology and abbreviated to JAGG.
Article Ⅱ
The office of the Association shall be located at the Central Institute for Experimental Medicine and Life Science, 3-25-12 Tonomachi, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki, 210-0821 JAPAN.
Article Ⅲ
The objectives of the Association shall be to promote and disseminate the germfree life research and gnotobiology, and accordingly, to the development of sciences and social welfare.
Article Ⅳ
To accomplish the above-mentioned objectives, the Association shall pursue the following activities:
  1. to hold scientific meetings
  2. to publish the association's journal (Journal of Germfree Life and Gnotobiology, abbreviated to J. germfree life gnotobiol. , ISSN 0910-0903, the digitization of the J. germfree life gnotobiol. , ISSN 2436-7362)
  3. to promote the achievement of the research and education in the field of germfree life research and gnotobiology
  4. to participate in the International Association for Gnotobiology, and to foster harmonious relationships with the relevant academic (domestic and international) societies
  5. others
Article Ⅴ
The Association shall consist of active members, student members, special members, emeritus members, honorary members, and industrial members (sustaining associates). Active members, student members and emeritus members shall be automatically affiliated with the International Association for Gnotobiology. The enrollment and cancellation of membership should be conducted by submitting an appropriate from provided by the Association.
Article Ⅵ
The administrative activities of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee and Standing Committee of the Board of Directors. These Committees consist of several members, including one Chairman, four Vice Chairman, one Secretary General, one Treasurer, several Recording Secretaries, and others. Other officers of the Association are Auditors, Councilors, and Advisors.
Article Ⅶ
The annual dues of the Association are ¥5,000/member for the active member, ¥1,000/member for the student member and special member and ¥30,000/unit for the industrial member. Failure to pay annual dues for three consecutive years shall be cause for removal from the membership roll.
Article Ⅷ
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held once a year and convened by the President.
Revision History: Jan. 1st, 2015
Apr. 1st, 2022
Jan. 19th, 2024

Board of Directors

Chairman 1 person
Vice Chairman 2 persons
Executive Committee 8 persons
Standing Committee 15 persons
Auditors 2 persons
Councilors 21 persons
Board of Directors(4/1/2024)【PDF】