Contact us
The XVIIth International Symposium on Gnotobiology
Dr. Kaoru Sato
Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine,
143 Shimokasuya, Isehara, Kanagawa, 259-1193, Japan
TEL +81-463-93-1121 ex.2310
FAX +81-463-91-6235
E-mail :
The XXXIVth Congress of the Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease
Dr.Takako Osaki (Secretary-General), PhD
Department of Infectious Diseases, Kyorin University School of Medicine
6-20-2 Shinkawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8611, Japan
Phone: +81-422-47-5511; ex. 3464 FAX: +81-422-44-7325